Monday, November 21, 2016

Cider and Stout ABVs

Today I measured the alcohol by volume (ABV) for the cider and stout that I racked into secondary fermenters on Friday.  I probably should take specific gravity readings when I pitch the yeast (beginning of fermentation) and at intervals during fermentation, but I am always quite worried about sterility; therefore, I leave the primary fermenters sealed and just watch the bubbler to assess whether fermentation is slowing or not.  Today I took in samples and assessed ABV by GC.  They are:

  • Cider = 6.2%
  • Stout = 6.8%
I thought perhaps the cider would be some higher as it was already really dry.  I guess it has some more to go.  I used a wine yeast, so if there is enough sugar content, the yeast will be tolerant of alcohol up to about 15% ABV.  When I talked to the gent at the brewing supply store when I bought the yeast packet, he figured 6-9 months, so it has a way yet to go.  

The stout seems right on.  It is supposed to sit in the secondary fermenter for another four weeks.  I think during that time it will make it to about 9% ABV.

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