Thursday, November 11, 2010

Running Partners Past

  1. Scott - Scott started running, lost a lot of weight, ran a couple of marathons and wrapped the whole running gig into a niffty mid-life crisis that took him away from running and to beer brewing.  I have to credit Scott for getting me through my first marathon.
  2. Jim - Jim "Mayor of Rahway" M. helped train Scott, and I ran with him until the day I left Merck. Now he competes in the race to the top of the Empire State building.
  3. Pete - Started running with Pete in December of 1999 when he was "getting prepared for is 2000 New Year's resolution" running more.  That alone was cool, but as we were walking to the fitness center he told me about his goal to lose enough hair that an island appeared on top of his head at which time he would place a plastic palm tree and wear it to work.  I figured I would like him, and how he's and awesome god-father to my youngest.
  4. Mark - From the Midwest, school at NC State, started Merck with long hair.  On his second day at Merck he came out running with us.  As we made it around the usual route, the police were dredging the lake and pulling up a body attached to a car part.   Welcome to New Jersey Mark!
  5. Jeremy - Natural runner, but he tried too hard to be quirky.  Great guy though
  6. Dean - Oddest running stride I have ever seen.
  7. Charlie - Only guy I've ever run with that told me flat out, "Running together doesn't make us friends".  Joke's on you Chuck,
  8. Matt - Attacks running the way he goes at everything else.  Wish I had that determination.
Karl now aims to join this list.  He could have a lot worse company.

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