Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday - 20101218

This was the first weekend in a while that I have been able to get out for a run.  There weren't too many folks out.  There was a couple that reminded me of V and I.  She was riding her bike, and he was running. V and I used to do that.  She would ride her bike, and I would run along the tow path along the Delaware river close to Washington Crossing, NJ.

It was 30 degrees when I was out.  It sure felt cooler than that.  Perhaps there was some moisture in the air.

When I left Merck, they gave me some cold running gear.  It was nice.  The tights though were XXL, which I thought certainly couldn't fit.  I put them on today and they were just fine.  It's a good news/bad news sort of thing.

Good News:  I have some nice warm Under Armor tights to wear
Bad News:  I have never thought of myself as a XXL guy

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