Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bourbon Vanilla Stout ABV

I measured the alcohol content of the stout that I bottled on Monday.  Back when I decanted it over to the secondary fermentor it was at 6.8% ABV (link to post about racking the brew over).  After sitting in the secondary fermentor it is 7.2% ABV.  I think a fair portion of that extra sauce may have come from the bourbon-soaked oak chips that were added to the secondary fermentor.  The batch produced some carbon dioxide (bubbles escaping the water trap), so some (but probably not all) of the extra 1/3 of a cup of ethanol in the (nearly) five gallon batch came from yeast doing their work.

The beer is bottle conditioning now (carbonating).  It will probably be drinkable in six weeks or so.

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