Thursday, January 5, 2017

Masters in Business Podcast with Dan Alpert

On my walks in the morning, I have been listening to the Masters in Business podcast.  This is a show where Barry Ritholtz interviews people from finance for Bloomberg radio.  I'm not actually certain how long that show ends up being (with commercials and all), maybe an hour.  A lot of the guests stay and talk for longer, and they take the radio broadcast and wrap that into the longer discussion on the podcast.

The guests on the podcasts are a lot of the same folks that I see on CNBC in the morning.  I have found the guests, for the most part, very interesting, and I have found myself learning some things even if I didn't fully agree with the all of the guests..  Today I listened to a podcast with a gentlemen who I had not heard of, Dan Alpert.  I found him really knowledgeable and able to explain some things in the world economy in a way that I could really understand.

I think podcasts are a wonderful invention.  Strolling around town at 5 AM in the morning is (this time of year) cold and lonely.  It is nice to be able to start (or continue) a podcast that:  a) keeps me company & b) teaches me something.  I think the thing I like about Barry is that he reminds me of a lot of the people that I used to live by when I lived outside of NYC.

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