Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Little Justice

Entrance at RTE2 & Waltham St
This morning I was on my normal commute to work when I got to watch karma do its work.  Traffic was heavy but not nutty as I went to leave town until I reached the intersection of Route 2 and Waltham Street.  There was a back-up where folks exiting Route 2 were trying to get on Waltham mostly going south.  I slowed to let someone in (as any good Democrat would).  Immediately, the front passenger side of a huge, red pick-up took over my rear view mirror.  Some Trump-supporting slack-jaw had, rather than waiting in line, driven across the median (see near the center of the picture on the right).  My mind immediately went to the police officer that I had seen a car or two behind me as I approached this intersection.  As the red-truck-idiot receded in my rear view mirror, it was haloed with some blue flashing lights!  This dude's creative pathway was at best going to save him a minute or two of waiting in line.  Thankfully, a more worst-case-scenario took hold, and he would enjoy the company of one of Lexington's finest as his information was taken and (hopefully) a traffic violation received.

I literally shouted in euphoria!  Too many times on my commutes have I seen this kind of impatient, unsafe, thoughtless action committed.  This time... this time justice (for all those who do wait patiently in line) was served.  I do believe that karma eventually serves justice for these types of behaviors.  It was just very satisfying to get to witness karma do its work.

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