Monday, November 14, 2016

What happened to the magic of 2012?

When last I wrote with any frequency to this blog, I was thanking Todd Akin for being such a very wonderfully awful candidate that Claire McCaskill would be able to sail through to re-election in Democrat-hostile Missouri.  It was wonderful.  The Spring and Summer came with a lot of dread that Mitt Romney would take the Presidency and the Republicans would take the Senate.  NEITHER came to pass.

In 2016 I was giddy with the prospect of Donald Trump as the GOP standard bearer.  I foresaw for a Republican party in disarray and a recapture of the Senate by the Democrats.  Then in October it began to fall apart.  The Comey letter looked bad, and I do not know whether it turned the tide (it couldn't have helped).  Now we sit with The Donald as President-elect and the Republicans with a real majority in both houses.

I don't suppose that people always realize how much history they are living through.  I don't think I fully do realize the extent, but I do know that the things that will happen in the coming months and years will reverberate.  Perhaps there will be an amazing and positive turn of events.  The long and the short of it is that I need to get involved somehow.  I don't know how, but I have to figure it out.

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